This includes kills, of course, but also assists, suppression, and any bonus points (head shots, avenger, comeback, etc.) earned from a kill. Weapon classes are ranked up only by points earned from firing the weapon. That’s good, you don’t have to wait long before you get things that make it easier to use your chosen weapon. The earliest attachments available for most weapons tend to be the most useful. Other Battlepacks can also contain weapon attachments, but you can’t control what weapon and attachment you will get. Weapon Battlepacks will contain all of the alternative attachments available for that weapon, plus other random items, so you always unlock everything for your favorite gun simply by shooting and killing with it. After that, you’ll unlock Weapon Battlepacks every 50 kills, until you get all of those. Each 10 kills will unlock a new attachment, until you’ve unlocked all the standard attachments for the weapon.
Weapon attachments are unlocked only by kills and battlepacks. Unlocking Attachments And Ranking Up Weapons